So as you can see from the title this blog is about being a member of the group called the millennials or Generation Y. I think we've earned this name from our tendency to ask the simple question of why. Why do I have to look, dress, act this way? Why do I have to do things that way just because it's the way you did it? Why do I have to work 40 hours a week and make lots of money to be happy? Or my personal question: why do I have to go to a poorly lit office, wear uncomfortable clothes, leave my kid with a stranger, and work a job I hate just to live? The answer is: I don't.
I'm going to tell you a little about myself just so you understand me a bit. When I was a child I loved to read. I still do. If you asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up I would say an author. Fast forward to adult hood: while my grasp of the English language is better than most, my story telling abilities are lacking. I'm blaming this on my best friend who is a stellar story teller and us always listening to her instead of writing our own. As I got to be around 9 or 10 I thought I wanted to be veterinarian. Then I realized if I ever had to do a surgery I would probably vomit. So that was the end of that.
After those two revelations I never really figured out what I was going to do with my life. And then I graduated high school. My mother was especially insistent that my sister and I were going to college. So off I went to The Ohio State University still having no idea what I wanted to do. I changed my major twice before dropping out. What was the point if I couldn't find a major I liked? I now have an Associates degree in Alternative Energy. The material was interesting, but I guess I should've thought about how the outdoor physical labor just wouldn't be my thing. I tried doing a few classes at Devry, but that wasn't for me either.
So after all that I think " I'm an intelligent person. Why can't I figure out what I want to do?". I don't work jobs I don't enjoy. If I don't like it I find a new one. Everyone asks " well, what do you enjoy?". I'm sure there are lots of people here with me on this. It gets frustrating. I like video games and I'm good at those, but I already tried the computer stuff and I didn't like it. I love to cook, but it's not something I want as a job. Everyone has those days they just don't feel like cooking and you always smell like way too much food. What if I have to go to work and I don't feel like cooking that day?
It becomes like this cycle. Until something happens and you just find THE thing. My thing is knitting. This is where we get to the futzy office bit. I learned to knit because my mom thought she was too old to get pregnant anymore and I ended up with a little brother. I wanted to make him something. So I learned to knit and made him a hat, booties, and mittens (he was born in December). Then I just kept knitting. I was still trying out school so it was a hobby.
Then I went and I had my own son and now I'm a stay at home mom. My husband makes enough money to take care of us because, unlike me, he is perfectly ok with the suits and office. I enjoy being a mom, but eventually he's going to grow up and I'm going to be left with nothing else to occupy my time. So I've got to find something to do with my life and I've decided to make it knitting.
So now that you know about me I think the title of this blog may be a little confusing to some. I'm trying to live my life by continuing to ask why. I don't want to live my life by the book. I want to live an extraordinary life. With the way my life is right now don't except me to be going sky diving or exploring caves. Not that those are things I want to do anyway, but we have just moved so our life is still in that adjustment phase.
I want my blog to be about the things that I do. So if I travel you'll see that or whatever project I'm working on or a new recipe I tried or just some new experience I've had. It will most likely be most about knitting and food, because that's what do most. I guess I didn't want to limit myself to the topic of knitting exclusively because sometimes I just don't get to it and I have so much more to talk about. So I suppose I'll see how this goes and I hope you like it.
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